Michelle Field headshot

Michelle Field

Office Support

Things I love about what I do:
I love supporting a team that is focused foremost on the good of each client, with a personal approach tailored to their unique circumstances. Primarily operating behind the scenes, I help ensure things are organized and running smoothly at the office. I enjoy providing back-up support serving as receptionist when needed, as well as planning staff meetings.

Education and experience:
I have extensive experience in business management, customer service, and community outreach. For 13 years, I managed a successful retail jewelry store for Barry’s Jewelers Inc. I left retail to prioritize time with our young children. From home, I operated a custom jewelry consulting business for seven years. Eventually, I accepted a community outreach position with a local nonprofit. Using my acquired skills to support the advancement of Field Wealth Management and its clients is a rewarding experience, of which I am happy to be a participant.

Something Personal:
I enjoy spending time outdoors with Chris, my husband, and our two adult children. I like hiking and snowshoeing, identifying and using local wild plants, swimming, and snorkeling. Making pizza from scratch tops my list of favorite indoor activities!

Michelle Field is not affiliated or registered with Cetera Advisor Networks LLC. Any information provided by them is in no way related to Cetera Advisor Networks LLC or its registered representatives.